Friday, October 30, 2020

EWYAS HAROLD art group

Making do during Covid-19

The art group, of which VR (the blog editor's wife) is a member, normally meets at a village hall on the border between Hereford and Wales. It was unable to function during 2020 for reasons you may guess at. 

Space has been allocated here in Tone Deaf renewed for members  to display their Christmas Card designs. And to promote a somewhat frayed unity

Mo's (Maureen's) card for Veronica. Flower
and leaves outlined in gold; a veritable
stained-glass window design

Helen's card goes to Brian. What medium
did she use? "The one after water-colour,"
she says, enigmatically.

Pauline's card for Juliet is a subtly
shaded water-colour which tested
Photoshop to the limit.

Veronica's card (for Sally and Geoff)
is in Chromacolour which, in effect ,
gives more body to water colour

Juliet's card to Helen and David is
in two parts: exterior (above) and
interior pop-up (below)

Brian's card to Tracy - a little blue added
Not strictly a card, Derrick's offering (for Pauline and Jim) has 
a story to tell: In Derrick's words "It is on wood recycled from 
Tracy's house facia replacement, pyrography, acrylic and a bit of bling." 

While Mo's (Maureen's) decoration for
Pauline and Jim is framed embroidery

A Christmas nuthatch for
Derrick. From Sally

Winter Majesty (from an
 original painted in pastels),
sent by Tracy to Mo (Maureen), 

The blog ed's effort.
Not to be taken seriously


  1. Yeah. Whateva. Follow us Upstairs.
    Your true glory comes when you're
    serving N loving God, bro, not the
    worthless whorizontal. That sorta
    mean?? Sorta cruel? Live with it
    and follow U.S. to Seventh-Heaven, pops:
    + +
